AlwaysRaining - The SmallholderTwo covers here. Joseph Ramsden, a smallholder, had come to terms with tragedy in his life and had settled to a calm existence, until...
Charlie Foxtrot - A New PastA disenchanted scientist is sent into a version of his past and given a chance to change his future. Can he use is knowledge to avert the...
saddletramp1956 - RulesThe church ruined his wedding night. Read the story online at:
A.A.Nemo - A Lodi ChristmasThis is a sequel to 'Jacob's Granddaughters' and it features new and old characters, plus some characters from 'A Tyler Christmas,' so...
Kaffir - A Critical PathThis is another romance plus a bit. It is set in the Liverpool area of England against a civil engineering background. To say more would...
Always Raining - The Way BackWhen Allan Jonsson came out of the coma, he had to start from scratch with a badly battered head and body, beginning with remembering who...
Todd_d172 - St Clair 4: the AngelA Flight of Angels Read the story online at:
Todd_d172 - St Clair 3: the SirenCasualties of War. Read the storyonline at:
Todd_d172 - St Clair 2.5: SuccubusWorking the Night shift at the St. Clair Sheriff's Department on a full moon... Read the story online at: